Fluoride Free Illinois

Campaigns & Efforts to End Water Fluoridation
Back in 2012, there were two Illinois representatives that introduced a bill to end water fluoridation and the town of Lanark, IL passed a resolution supporting the bill. The bill died in the Rules committee.
Currently, there are no Illinois state representatives who will help us sponsor another bill. We were close with Rep. Patti Bellock and Rep. Tabarez however both have decided the issue was "too controversial for them".
Our current efforts are focused around raising awareness of the issues with the practice of Water Fluoridation in the hopes when we do find a representative who will work with us, we will have support within the community.

​House Sponsors
Rep. Richard Morthland - Moline & Democrat Linda Chapa LaVia - Aurora
Since 1990, over 600 communities in the US and Canada have rejected water fluoridation...
Fluoride Action Network
Most developed nations, including the vast majority of western Europe, do not fluoridate their drinking water. Over half of the world’s population drinking artificially fluoridated water lives in the United States. Since health authorities in North America have refused to let go of the fluoridation paradigm, local communities are doing the work for them. Since 2010, over 150 communities have rejected the practice, including large communities like Calgary, Alberta (pop. 1.3 million), Windsor, Ontario (pop. 279,000), Portland, Oregon (pop. 900,000), Wichita, Kansas (pop. 385,000), and Albuquerque, New Mexico (pop. 500,000), Bucks County, Pennsylvania (385,000), and in 2014, Israel (over 7 million)
May 21st, 2013 - 60% of the voters help Portland, Ore. to reject adding fluoride to drinking water!!
Links on Portland Efforts: